Structo Toys NUMBERS

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This section shows only the numbers and a short description or name of the toy

I have tried to follow a time line for all the numbers and the different styles and models Structo manufactured. Not all the numbers may be correct but as with any human endeavor there are going to some minor imperfections. Please use the guide as it was intended, as a guide only.
This is a work in progress and will have new information or pictures added as they become available.

Some pictures are available Click on number if link highlighted for view of item



000 Tractor 12.5 inches long windup
8 Racing car green black trim 16 inches auto builder
10 Bearcat car orange and black 16 inches auto builder
11 Tractor green trailer sold separate auto builder
12 Early Deluxe car version of # 10 16 inches auto builder
12 Improved deluxe divided windshield 16 inches auto builder
14 large dump truck red 18 inches auto builder
16 Yuba tractor black purple auto builder
40 Roadster 10.5 inches ready built
42 contractor's truck orange black ready built
44 Caterpillar Tractor (Cletrac11.5 inches
46 Tractor, Trailer and Grader
48 Whippet Tank early one no gun later one had short barrel
48 Excavator 29 inches long
52 Grab bucket 4.5 by 12 inches high
56 Sifter 6 ft long with # 156 runway, truck, hopper, conveyor
65 Steam shovel
66 Grab bucket crane
110 Giant steam shovel 6 by 13 inches high red & black
111 Grab bucket
114 Lift crane similar to # 52
115 Wrecking automobile
144 Tractor and Trailer red and orange
405 Dump truck 17 inches long red and black
405 Packard Truck 17.5 inches long red & black
405 Packard Truck electric lights orange color
406 Packard Truck Hook & Ladder Red
406 Hook and ladder fire truck 24 inches long
407 Fire insurance patrol 18 inches long
408 Speed wagon 17 inches long  Green
409 Police car 17 inches long blue
410 Moving van 17 inches long Orange
411 Mail Truck 17 inches long green
415 Covered army truck 17 inches long Green canvas top
420 Motor Transport semi truck 24 inches long enclosed cab
421 Air mail transport semi truck  green enclosed cab
423 Wrecking truck 20.5 inches long red, orange, black
424 Fire Patrol 18 inches long red
425 Speed wagon 17 inches long Green
426 Police Patrol 16.5 inches long blue

1,    2,    3,    4,    5,    6,    7,    8,    9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    15,   

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